Chapter 1: A Surprising Reunion
Another exhausting day even though it is only 6:00 am on a Friday, my phone alarm keeps going on which is getting annoying so I had no choice but to get up to get ready for school. As I washed my face I noticed my tired lifeless blue eyes and crazy messy dark hair, so I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, put on my glasses, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. In the dining room my mom who just finished cooking, my father reading his newspaper, and my younger sister was waiting for me. They all greeted me on a lovely morning despite my lifeless eyes…I guess they are used to it since my eyes have been like this for 3 months now.
Oni-chan, Mama made your favorite breakfast, says my little sister with miso soup all over her face so I wiped her mess and sat down to eat my mother’s omurice which I loved. I ate with not too much expression on my face but it was delicious, there was nothing wrong with the food but I just didn’t have the energy to be happy again. After breakfast, I put on my shoes and headed to the door. I faced my mom and dad and told them “I’ll see you later” but before I left the house my mom held my hand and gave me a warm, concerned look. “Daiki…you know if there is anything troubling you, just tell us okay? Your father and I are always here for you” After that she gave me a quick kiss on my forehead then I nodded and left walking to school.
I arrived at Ankoku High School in Kyoto. I sat on my desk near the window just staring at nowhere while my classmates chatted with their friends. Fast forward to lunchtime, I pulled out my bento box and ate alone until one of my classmates asked me if I wanted to have lunch with them. I kindly declined their offer and they left. As I was eating alone I saw an empty table behind me…It used to be for someone I really hold dear but sadly he will never sit there anymore.
3:30 pm school is over and some of my classmates asked if I wanted to hang out with them at karaoke. I kindly said no and told them I had to go somewhere. I then ran and came across a flower shop, and the lovely shopkeeper of the store knew what to get for me since I often buy flowers from them. I got the usual white chrysanthemum in a small basket. Before I left, the shopkeeper gave me some extra flowers since I always visit their shop. They gave me some plum flowers which are secretly my favorite. I bow and thank them then head to Inei Grave Cemetery.
I made it to the cemetery and started to look for the Minato family grave. I eventually found it since I often visit them. I placed the flowers I bought then grabbed a bucket of water and started cleaning the grave, it is tradition to bring fresh flowers and clean the graves of the ones you visit. As I was cleaning the sides I saw my friend's name…Kenji, meaning he was one of the Misato family who passed away. I finished cleaning and sat down and prayed…well honestly I wasn't sure if I was even praying, I missed Kenji…it was too early for him to be taken like that, I may not know what his cause of death was but if only I can do anything…if only I can tell him for the longest time that I loved him. Out of nowhere, a hard wind blew into my face making me roll off for a minute then I heard laughter…someone was laughing at me!? Why does that laugh sound familiar? I stood up and looked at the grave and saw a familiar face sitting on top of the tombstone. “HAHAHA That was so funny you're always this clumsy Dai-chan” I looked, rubbed my eyes, and slapped myself to see if this was a dream…it was Kenji only…he’s a…ghost ... .AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Chapter 2: I’m Back but not really
I still couldn’t believe that this was happening…my friend…who got killed just 3 months ago is now laughing at me, sitting on his tombstone. I just stared and screamed as I stood up and ran to hide at the nearest shrine. I took a moment to catch my breath, still confused and most definitely saying to myself that this was just a dream, “Hey why did you run off on me like that buddy?” I heard his voice again as I tumbled and fell to the ground. “Are you…really here?” I ask still questioning if all of this is even real.
He flew down at me and gave me a smile just like how he used to. “You bet I’m real, you can say I’m back…but not really…you know what I mean.”
I still can’t believe he's alive…only…he’s transparent…and he’s flying…like a real ghost. “Wait…how are you…still here!? I mean…you're dead…it's sad to admit it but it's true…STILL, explain yourself.”
Kenji sighs as he steps on the ground with a serious look, Kenji may be a joker but I know when he is serious. I’ve been with him since kindergarten so I know that what he is about to tell me is not good.
Kenji’s cause of death was murder and he wants me to help him find the person who killed him…I can’t believe this guy decided to show up months later and ask for help. I don’t know why he suddenly came up just now but…I can’t just refuse, after all, I also want to know who killed him and bring Kenji peace. We made an agreement that I would help him find who killed him and once it's done he will go to heaven, the time limit is one month and if we fail Kenji and I will get cursed…this is one heck of a friendly reunion eh…I hope I can still confess to him…
Chapter 3: The Investigation
It’s been one week since Kenji and I made an agreement, and now he follows me everywhere, at home, at school, during dinner, during class…EVEN IN THE BATHROOM. Well, it’s not like anyone can see him flying around me like a mosquito…heh or a fly. But anyway we really need to find who killed him so I grab my notebook and pen being like a detective with a ghost and start to investigate.
Wait…I have no idea where or who to start…I started whining in my room about what to do and wondering what am I even doing.
“Ok, Dai-chan you have to calm down, whining won’t do you anything.” Says Kenji floating around.
“How am I even going to help you…do you remember who killed you?” “…no…But I do remember was I got killed in the courtyard of the school”
I then started thinking who could be the possible suspect, it could be…our classmates?…one of the teachers…I have no idea. I ended up surveying my friends in my class…well it's mostly his friends since I don’t talk to anyone except for Kenji.
At school I tried to be casual when I brought up the topic of Kenji, somewhere still wondering why I hadn’t moved on but some were helpful and gave me some honest opinions and thoughts. To summarize, there wasn’t enough information and none of them seems to be the murderer so it's possible that it could be one of the staff at our school.
I ended up spending longer at school than I expected until I realized it was already nighttime. “Oh no it’s already supper time, I guess we can call it a day for now Kenji…I’m hungry”. Suddenly as I was walking to get my bag, I heard a growl behind me…it was like a lion is hungry, wait a second…since when are we near a zoo… I don’t recall seeing a lion there. I slowly turned around and saw a monstrous beast-like spirit. I can tell it's hungry since it's drooling and started chasing me and Kenji.
I screamed, running for my life while Kenji could easily fly, he couldn’t really carry me to fly but he still “WHERE DID THAT LION COME FROM!?” “I HAVE NO IDEA It's probably since I was here and a treat to you,” says Kenji flying “WELL MORE LIKE IT'S THREATENING US!! CAN YOU DO SOMETHING!? YOU’RE A GHOST RIGHT!?” I say as I find a hiding place catching my breath. “That’s not just any lion spirit. That’s a Komainu”.
“Komainu is a lion shire that is built on shrines and it says that it guards the place and protects any evil from entering, and apparently I only found out that we have one at the school entrance which is not common. I started to panic for a bit since we were trapped, the komainu thought of me as dinner and Kenji as an evil spirit. An idea pops up in my head but I require Kenji’s help. “Kenji, I have a plan but I need your help” “Well as long as the plan is for you to not be meat and for me to not be double dead then I’m in” he says still making jokes.
The plan began with Kenji running, or should I say flying being a distraction to the Komainu while I go to the cafeteria to look for salt. Throwing salt on any spirit can make them go away according to the ancient history books I read. I was really scared but I managed to get some salt and yelled for Kenji, but somehow things did not go as planned…behind me was a creepy lady with long black hair, red creepy eyes, sharp nails, and teeth who started to chase me around like it wants to kill me. I was so tired from running and screaming that I tripped and fell down the stairs, and I was trapped with no doors or windows to get out. At this point, I felt so hopeless and was ready to accept my fate as the creepy ghost ladies came closer ready to kill me but then a sudden miracle happened.
Kenji out of nowhere punched the lady so hard that she flew to the other side, then the Komainu jumped and ate her like it caught a fish. Suddenly our surroundings were back to normal with no more anonymous aura or creatures.
“What the heck just happened…?” I asked Kenji, looking so haggard. “Oh I made friends with the Komainu” Kenji says smiling like he just won a free popsicle. I looked at the komainu and it looked calmer than before, it was licking its paws and acting like a normal lion. I looked at Kenji still in disbelief and confused. Kenji explained that the Komainu wasn’t trying to kill us at all in the first place, it knew that there was a creepy ghost lady roaming around at school at night and it was just trying to warn and protect us. Well I guess that works besides throwing salt, we got lucky back there really…I thought I was gonna be a goner.
Chapter 4: Explanations NOW
I finally got home after that chaotic ghost-chasing experience, my parents were not mad but they were worried. So I told them that I went to one of my classmates' houses to prepare for our Halloween party, which will be next month. I can’t just tell my parents that I was being chased by a white lady and got mistaken for lion spirit food so I head upstairs to my room and flop down on my bed.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the komainu is now Kenji’s “pet” so now I have a ghost friend and a komainu flying around me. I would say it's a bit weird but hey the Komainu could be helpful to us in our investigation. Speaking of that, we have NOT made any progress on the murderer so I whined in my bed covering myself with my pillow and blanket while Kenji and Komai (the komainu) looked at me.
I thought this would be easy since I have Kenji to guide me, but turns out this is more complicated than I expected. The pressure is really on me since we have a due date and if we don’t make it both Kenji and I will be cursed for life and I can’t imagine Kenji suffering again in the afterlife when he should be in peace. Kenji noticed my distress so he asked me what was going on.
“Hey, Dai-Chan…uh you okay? Sorry about the whole ghost chase”
“No…I'm fine” I muffled in my pillow.”
“Dai-Chan I can tell that you are not fine, I’ve known you since we were kids,” he said, crossing his arms.
I finally decided to open up about how I feel, “Well it's just…we haven’t found out who killed you and I’m worried since we only have 1 month to do this, and if we don’t then will get cursed and I don’t want you to suffer again when you already had enough…if anything I’ll gladly take your curse just so you can be free.” I said sadly but also willing to do anything for him. He then lay down beside me on my bed comforting me, he always does that when I feel down.
“Hey now don’t say that, we still have time, and who knows we may be able to find the murderer before our deadline. Let’s just take things easy, step by step you know.” Honestly, Kenji can be a joker and funny guy but he gives the best advice that makes me smile.
“You’re right sorry I was overthinking again hehe.”
We laughed and chuckled and then a question that I really wanted to know popped into my head.
“Hey, just a random question…why did you suddenly appear just now? Like why didn’t you show yourself sooner?”
Kenji then looked deep into my eyes with some sadness in his eyes.
“Well I’ve been watching you ever since I died and I felt so bad for you that I missed out on everything with you then I was given a chance to be here so I took it even if it’s just for one month.
I felt happy that he said that and in reality I really just wanted to help him out and maybe get to confess my feelings. “Well I’m glad you grabbed that chance,” I said with a warm smile and we both fell asleep together.
Chapter 5: Who could be the suspect?
The following week after that whole ghost shenanigan, we continue our investigations on the murderer of Kenji. So far it's none of the students so it could be the staff of the school so I started with the teachers. I asked our math teacher since Kenji’s weak subject is math and maybe he got killed because he keeps failing math, next, I asked our history teacher because he could get killed because he doesn’t pay attention to the class, then I asked our art teacher because he might have drawn something inappropriate that made the teacher kill him and finally his favorite subject PE which…okay, I don’t know why the teacher would kill him but okay.
After hours of talking with the teachers, none of them seem to be a suspect. I then started to think that maybe he wasn’t murdered and all of this was just a prank. I then had a talk with him at the school field where no one could see me.
“Kenji…be honest…you didn't actually die because of murder didn't you?”
“WHAT!? What makes you say that??” He looks at me with confusion.
“Why on earth would I just pretend?!
Then it got me thinking…he didn’t die from murder…he was never murdered in the first place.
So I then ask.
“Kenji…do you know the reason why you're here in the first place?”
He then looked at me with concern and said
“No…I’m gonna be honest the gods just sent me here to look and find out what was the cause of my death and fulfill my last wishes” he said feeling bad that he made me exaggerate so much. But honestly, I was relieved that he didn’t get murdered so I turned to him with a warm smile. “I’m honestly glad that you weren’t killed…but do you remember how you died? Or the real reason why you here”
“No, I don’t I was hoping you know, and like I said the gods brought me here so I can continue things that I haven’t done when I was alive.
At this point, we were both just as confused as ever. For starters, the real reason Kenji is here with me is to fulfill the things he did when he was still alive and the deadline is still the same…So to summarize this is not a murder case…this is a bucket wish list.
Kenji then looked at me feeling a bit guilty that he didn’t tell me sooner so he got down on his knees and bows.
“I’m so sorry Dai-Chan…I just honestly wanted to spend some time with you and I really didn’t know…I’m just…I’m so so so sorry”
I looked at him and I could tell he really was sorry and he was clearly confused. I’m gonna be honest, he looked so cute with his sad puppy eyes, he was like a little kid who wants ice cream. I chuckled and looked at him and for the first time, my eyes had life and light in them.
“Well, then what do you wanna do? Name all of them and I’ll do it for you” I said proudly. “What!? Seriously Dai-Chan? You’ll do all of this for me even if it’s just…that?” He wondered if I was being serious.
“Yes duh, besides we’re best buddies forever and you're not just my best friend…besides this should be easy and maybe I can also have fun with you.” Kenji looked at me with pure excitement Kenji looked at me so happy that he jumped and floated in joy.
“DAI-CHAN THANK YOU!!” He came flying towards him for a hug but then he passed through me…well since he’s a ghost he can’t exactly make any physical contact with me…it’s too bad I really did want to hug him.
Chapter 6: Possession Plan
After that talk and clarification, we had things become lighter on my end but we still have that deadline and will still get cursed if we don’t figure out his last wish. As I was walking down the hallway with Kenji, the Komainu somehow disappeared and we could not find it. It probably must’ve gone back to being a guard statue but moving on. A friend from a different schedule came up to me, his name was Aku, and is a close acquaintance of mine he was also in the same soccer club with Kenji back in the day.
“Hey, Daiki Kun” he called “I’m gonna have a birthday party at my place on Saturday, you wanna come?” As I was about to reject his offer an idea popped up in my head. “What if this is Kenji’s last wish? Going to a party.” So I said sure I would gladly go. Haru was so happy and immediately walked up saying “See yah on Saturday” then happily left.
At home, I started to have an existential crisis in my room screaming under my pillows. Kenji being so done and confused screamed. “OIIIIII DAIKIIII SNAP OUT OF IT MAN,” He says “ What are you nervous about, it's just a party.”
“….JUST A PARTY!? EASY FOR YOU TO SAY. I have never been to a party before…you know me, I prefer being alone at home…watching TV shows and playing games and…things alone people prefer.” I wondered if this is even the right decision I made. Kanji then looked at me and thought of a crazy idea.
“Dai-Chan…if you don’t want to go to this party and yet you really have to for my sake…then how about I possess your body so you can go and you have the nervousness of being with crowds”
Huh…being possessed by your friend who doesn’t have social anxiety so that he can have the…this might be his final wish after all. I looked at him still hesitating but at the same time it is a good idea. “Mmmm, I guess it would be fine… mean you're just going to borrow my body for the party right? Then alright let’s do that.”
A few days later it’s already the day of Haru’s party. I tried to look more casual but also with style in my attire. “I don't know about this Kenji…like possessing me…?” Kenji looks at me so positively of this plan “Trust me ma man this will be fine and this could be my final wish dude”
“Alright alright…let's do this and get this over with,” I said, opening my arms and preparing for him to jump into my body. Then I felt a cold breeze that just went through my body.
Chapter 7: Possession Party
I was already at the party…or should I say WE because literally just possessed me and now is controlling my body…I gotta say he plays and blends in pretty well with our other classmates at the party since some of them he actually knew from their sports club. Meanwhile, I’m like behind my body just watching everything that is happening and oh my gosh Kenji is so close to me even if we are both souls in one body…almost like we are closest together…LIKE 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN GAME AHHHHHHHH. Ok keep it together Daiki, this is a mission…NO TIME TO FLIRT…Another stupid crazy yet sweet idea popped into my head, while Kenji was not focusing on me I gave him a hug and for the first time, I was able to touch him…
Kenji’s soul looked towards me as he asked me what was wrong. I told him I was fine and he should just enjoy the party in my body while I hugged his soul. After all, I don't get to hug him for the time being and I may never get this opportunity again. It was really sweet since he just let me hug him from his back and I could only wish this moment would never end.
Hours later it was already the end of the party and it turned out it wasn’t Kenji’s final wish…which meant we had to think of more ideas on what it was…I was already back in my body and Kenji was floating around me as we commuted home. We passed by an ice cream store and I thought since Kenji’s favorite dessert is ice cream I thought maybe he could possess my body just to taste and eat his favorite treat. “Hey uh, Kenji…wanna eat ice cream?”
“Dai-chan you know I can't eat food in my ghost form,” he said still floating
“Then possess me again like how you did earlier at the party,” I said with full confidence “Are you sure Dai-chan? You were hesitating earlier but uhh sure okay…I would love to eat my favorite ice cream again” He says as he comes into my body and we order both of our favorite ice creams in one cup, a scoop of Caramel and Cookies and Cream ice cream. It was almost like we were on a date together and I just felt so happy.
After that ice cream “date” we arrived home and my mom came up to me saying that we will go to Okinawa beach for just 3 days and then I thought maybe…just hopefully this may be Kenji’s wish.
Chapter 8: The Wish
Despite being a socially awkward introvert I LOVE GOING TO THE BEACH!! It is the only week I can relax and treat myself for all the hard work I've been putting in. I’ve been so busy preparing for the Halloween party at my school and for Kenji’s final wish that I just lay down, relaxing while My mom, dad, and little sister enjoy the water…well of course I can’t forget about him.
“YAHOOOOOOOOO” Kenji screamed, floating, flying around, and jumping in and out of the water…he can’t really get wet plus no one can see him besides me so I let him have his fun. I really like seeing Kenji so happy playing on the beach, despite that he is dead he always finds a way to see the bright and funny things in life. I guess that the thing I really love about him, we may be polar opposites but he never ceases to amaze me. I would be even more if he were still alive and not a ghost I guess. I can imagine us building sand castles, scuba diving, eating snow cones and just enjoying ourselves like a couple…What the heck am I thinking!? I don’t even know if he even likes me back!! Ughhh what am I even daydreaming about…
On our last night in Okinawa, I was just chilling on the balcony while my parents prepared dinner. I was just watching the stars and all of a sudden Kenji blew my ear in surprise.
“AHH, what the heck was that for?!” I ask covering my ears as my face turns red “Hehehe nothing I just wanna tease my bestie” he smirks which god it looks so cute
We both watch the night sky stars together in total silence…I wanted to ask him if he likes me since this is perfect timing.
“So I never really asked you this and this is probably random but…are you into anyone?” Kenji looked at me and laughed “HAHA Me mmm well now that you mentioned it…I never really thought about it…I think I do”
My little heartbeat up and lit up in joy hoping it was me “Do you remember who it is?” I asked “...mmm nope” he casually says
My heart sank and I was in shock but I just stayed quiet.
“What about you Dai-chan? Are you into anyone?” He asked as he looked at me sparkling through his translucent body.
“I uh…well uhh” I can’t just say I like him…but what if he doesn't like me back…what if he gets disgusted by me AHHHH I don't know what to do or say. Then before I could even say anything my little sister called me for dinner…which definitely ruined the whole lovey-dovey atmosphere.
“So uh wanna head back” I ask Kenji pretending nothing happened “Yup yup, I'm starving…can I possess you again so I can eat?” Kenji shyly and kindly asked I smiled and agreed of course and headed back to our room…and then while we were eating…going to the beach WAS NOT Kenji’s final wish…which leaves us one more week before our deadline.
Chapter 9: The Craziest Halloween Party
Fast forward to my Halloween party which is also the day of Kenji’s deadline which ITS FREAKING ME OUT AND I CAN’T CALM DOWN!! I was just in the corner of the party, standing up quietly in my vampire costume while Kenji was floating around dancing even though no one could see him. At this point I am so irritated and pissed because of how carefree he is acting when he should be worried about his final wish, partying wasn’t his wish and not even going to the beach…I AM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!!
I couldn't even look at him so I decided to step out to get some fresh air, Kenji noticed how irritated I was and suddenly followed me. I stepped out and it was pouring rain outside but I still went out because I was just so done with how Kenji was so carefree from all of this.
“Hey, Dai-chan…is everything okay? You seem pissed off” he said not knowing if he is sarcastic “...OF COURSE I’M PISSED OFF MAN!!” I said finally letting my anger out “WE’VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR MONTHS AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!! WE’RE GONNA GET CURSED AND WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL IT BE!! MAYBE I MIGHT DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!!” At that point, I was super mad that I didn't know what I was saying out of my mouth…I was mad and ranting for almost 10 minutes I realized I messed up so badly that I could see Kenji’s sad look on his face, I had never seen him this upset before or even shed a tear before so it really broke my heart that I just ran away in the middle of the rain.
I ran and ran despite the heavy rain just to get away from Kenji but he still ended up following me trying to talk things out. I mean there's nothing to talk about…I said horrible things to him when he was supposed to be my lover…I ended up making things more complicated, so many negative thoughts just kept flowing into my head that I wasn’t looking at where I was going until I fell down on one of the rocky stairs at the school garden which made my back head bleed.
Everything was just so hazy that I couldn't feel my body. All I can see is Kenji crying out my name telling me to hang in there and to not close my eyes. But the impact from my head made me even dizzier and weaker until a moment of realization came that this might be my end and a flashback came to me…this is how Kenji died…it was a rainy day…he was chasing a cat then he fell and hit his neck causing him to die…I felt like an idiot for being mad at him…all he wants is to fulfill a final wish yet his close friend ended up getting mad at him. I can see Kenji crying telling me to wake up but…I couldn't do so…I decided to finally admit something to him before I even died.
“Hey…Kenji…I'm sorry that I got mad at you…” before I could even finish Kenji was in tears “STOP SAYING THAT JUST HANG ON OKAY I'M NOT LOSING YOU LIKE THIS!” “...just…let me talk…*Sigh* I wanted to tell you this for so long…and I couldn’t say it because I was scared that you might hate me…but…I love you, Kenji…I love love love you…more than friends…” I let out a smile as I finally said I was so proud of myself and then I lost consciousness…I wish I had said it earlier…
I was already floating around in a dark void when I heard Kenji screaming my name…I don’t know if he was crying but then I saw a light…I got curious so I went closer and closer until I woke up back to where I was…I was super confused…and I thought I was dead, I touched to check the back of my head and the bleeding was gone, like it wasn’t even bleeding in the first place…Kenji was hugging me crying in relief that I’m okay…wait…HE’S HUGGING ME!? BUT…HE’S A GHOST HOW CAN HE TOUCH ME!? I was so confused when suddenly a familiar Lion spirit appeared behind Kenji.
Chapter 10: Last Goodbye yet Our First Hello
The Komainu came back after leaving us somewhere…I forgot but anyway, Kenji and I were speechless when suddenly the Komainu talked. “Congratulations, you boys managed to fulfill the final wish” Kenji and I were so confused that we just said…”Ha?”
“Wait wait…what was the final wish though?” I ask so eager to know what it is The Komainu chuckled and said “Young Kenji’s final wish is to actually confess his feelings to you Young Daiki” I was just shocked and speechless…I do remember confessing my love to him…BUT I DIDN’T EXPECT THAT HE WILL LOVE ME BACK!! I turned to him and he was blushing for the first time…” It’s true…when you said that you love me…I was so…happy that…I may have kissed you while you were unconscious and boom…it was my wish” he said explaining everything to me…HE KISSED ME!? I DON'T REMEMBER THAT AHHHHH I WANTED THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN I screamed at myself while Kenji chuckled and kissed me again…Oh, my gosh~it was the best and of course, I kissed him back finally able to confess to him…Although that means… it's time for him to leave me…it was too bad and I wish we could’ve done more stuff together. I was crying as I knew this would be the last day I’d see him, Kenji then whispered something that I will never forget “I promise I’ll come back when that happens. Let's meet and fall in love again okay?” I wiped my tears and nodded yes promising that I would wait for him. He then rides on the komainu and they both fly away in the clear sunny sky.
Fast forward and it was the next school year, I’m already a 2nd year in high school and things are going pretty well. I became more social and open to my classmates, I hang out with them and I chat a lot with my family more often…I just wish that Kenji is alright and no I’ve forgotten that promise. I got into my classroom and in front of me was Haru, who was super excited for this school year and told me this.
“Hey Daiki, I heard there's a new student in our class”
I got curious as to who it might be and then the teacher appeared with someone who looked very familiar.
“Alright class today we have a new student so please introduce yourself”
The boy stepped up with a smile I really remember and even his face.
“Hi My name is Masada Kenjiro, it’s nice to meet you all. I just moved to Kyoto 3 weeks ago because of my parents' jobs. I like sports and I hope to join your soccer team but anyway I hope we can get along”
…he even sounds like Kenji, I said to myself just in pure shock. Then the teacher asked me to be his tour guide for school. His seat is right next to me where he places his stuff and sits down.
“Hey hehe, what’s your name?”
Kenjiro asked just like how Kenji would ask me
It took me a while to snap out of it and shake his hand. “Oh uh sorry I’m Saito Daiki…nice to meet you”
“Saito Daiki smiles mind if I call you Dai-chan? You can call me Kenji of course” he said, very similar to him…of course…who am I to refuse?